I find BRILLIANT "how to's" all over the web, so rather than suggest that I have all the answers, I am going to direct you to some of the experts in the field to learn more on specific social media and branding best practices to make implementation easier.

See the links below by topic:

Strategy - Getting Started
If I Started Today - What would I do, by Chris Brogan
Getting started with Social Media, by Social Media Examiner

How to Integrate Video into your Social Media Marketing, by Social Media Examiner
A cool company videoBio, that creates personal videos, by videoBio

How to Turbo-Boost your Facebook Page with Apps, by Social Media Examiner
7 Tips to Mastering Facebook Advertising, by Social Media Examiner
101 for Business, by Social Media Examiner

26 Tips to Enhance your experience on LinkedIn, by Social Media Examiner
4 LinkedIn Tips to help You stand out, by Social Media Examiner

9 ways to get more from Twitter, by Social Media Examiner
26 Tips for Enhancing your Tweets, by Social Media Examiner

How to Grow a Following with Other People's Popular Content, by Social Media Examiner

Speaking Starter 
Professional Speaking tips, by Chris Brogan

Job Seeking
Developing your online resume, by Dan Schawbel on Mashable

8 ways to use Social Share buttons on your blog, by Social Media Examiner
7 way to improve your writing NOW, by Copyblogger
8 Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers, by Copyblogger

SM Metrics
6 Social Media Success Metrics you need to track, by Social Media Examiner