Thursday, October 7, 2010

Crowd Control for Corporate Intrapreneurs

Crowd control is a large concern of Corporate CEO's.  They want to control the budget, control the products and service delivery and they are concerned about how to control the social networks and the messages they portray about the companies brand.  Here is an example of how IBM created a way to allow their employees to write about their experiences, what they’re working on, or any other topic of choice.

IBM capitalizes on the intelligence of their employees to give consumers insight into what happens behind the scenes. By giving the industry experts they’ve hired a voice, IBM is able to highlight the people behind their products. Users get to see how IBM operates, and are given a direct connection with IBM employees.

Lesson: Having a CEO that blogs is great, but increase the number of blogs and you increase the number of connections. Leveraging your employees to write about what they love conveys the corporate dedication to the industry.

Share: Do you work in a Corporation that allows individual or group blogs?  Are you allowed to post on Facebook or Tweets on Twitter or is this all managed at the Corporate Marketing level?

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