William Arruda from Reach personal branding shares his personal branding trends for in 2011. This trend – Google Gatekeeper – College admissions officers are using Google to decide who gets in. Will your google results help or hurt your prospects of getting into your university of choice?
Good grades and high SAT scores won’t be enough to get you into your college of choice. In fact, according to a November 2010 study by Kaplan, 9% of business schools, 15% of law schools, and 14% of medical schools are already using social networking sites to help evaluate students during the admissions process.
Digital dirt or a lackluster online brand may close the ivy-covered gates where there’s fierce competition for limited enrollment. This trend will increase in the coming years, making online personal branding almost as important as academics to those aspiring to attend college.
If you are currently filling out college applications (or your children are), time spent building your brand in bits and bytes may reap the ultimate reward – an acceptance letter from your school of choice.
Working with Vizibility.com can position your Top 5 Google preferences, as well as purchase your name in Google, I would also take the time to update your Google profile, here is mine as an example: